know about erectile dysfunction

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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder of men in which there is an inability to maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. Earlier this sexual disorder is mainly seen in men above 60 years of age. However, with the growth of unhealthy lifestyle and stress, now it is easily seen between the men aged 40 to 50 years. Earlier it is usually believed that Impotence is caused by psychological problems like stress, tension, and an unhealthy lifestyle. However, with the growth of medical technology, it was seen that it is also caused by physical problems related to blood supply in the penis region. There are many types of treatments for curing erection.

Erectile Dysfunction symptoms

There are some common symptoms of erectile dysfunctions.

  • Trouble in keeping an erection for a long time
  • Difficulty in obtaining an erection during sexual coition
  • Reducing sexual passion during sexual intimacy with your partner

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Sexual arousal in men includes hormones, nerves, the brain, emotions, muscles, and blood vessels. It can result from the problem that arouses in any of these complex organs. Likewise, psychological problems like stress and mental health also worsen the erectile dysfunction condition. Sometimes the combination of both psychological and physical causes head to Impotence. For instance, if any secondary physical conditions showed a less sexual response, it might generate concern about maintaining the erection. The resulting anxiety can lead to worsening erectile disorder.


The pupils who are suffering from diabetes are common to have erectile dysfunction also. It is estimated that adult men who have diabetes can lead to 30 to 50% impotent in men. The process involves unusual hardening of arteries.


This psychological issue is directly linked to erectile dysfunction. ED is cardiovascular disease, and men with depression tend to take antidepressant medication. This medication can cause an erectile breakdown in men.

Neurological causes:

Other than diabetes, there are other neurological causes like chronic alcoholism, heavy metal poisoning, nerve injuries, and nerve damage of the pelvic region. All this causes erectile dysfunction.


There are many types of prescribed drugs for blood pressure, anxiety, anti-depression, glaucoma eye drops, and cancer chemotherapy. All these medications can lead to sexual dysfunction in men.

Erectile Dysfunction treatment

Your health expert is the best person whom you can trust for treating your erectile dysfunction problem. Consult your doctor if

  • You are experiencing sexual problems like premature or delayed ejaculation.
  • You have heart disease, high diabetes, or other health illness that might cause erectile dysfunction.
  • You have the symptoms of erectile disorder mentioned above.

Depending on the severity of erectile dysfunction and your health condition, the doctor will prescribe your various treatments. Each treatment has its dangers and benefits.

Erectile Dysfunction medication

One of the common ways of treating erectile dysfunction in men is an oral medication. They are successful in treating Sexual dysfunction.

All this pill above intensifies the effects of nitric oxide in the body. It is a natural chemical in the body that produces an enzyme.  It helps in relaxing muscles in the penis region. These also benefit in increasing blood flow and allowing erection in response to sexual intercourse.

Taking this medication once a day will not automatically produce an Impotence. First sexual stimulation causes the release of nitric oxide from penis nerves. This medicine helps in expanding the signal and allows normal pineal function in men.

All this medication varies in their dosage. They also have different working hours and side effects. Some of the possible side effects of these medications are nasal conjunctions, headache, backache, stomach upset, effect on eyesight, and flushing. Your health expert will tell you which medications are best according to your health condition. Oral medications do not treat your erection immediately. You might need to go to the doctor for the right doses.

Oral medications for Sexual dysfunction might not work for patients who are suffering from heart disease or heart failure. A person with low blood pressure is also dangerous for the person. A person who has prostate surgery or has high diabetes will also be less effective in the case of oral medication.

Following medicines are best for ED Treatment

Cenforce 100 | Cenforce 200 | Fildena 100 | Fildena 200 | Kamagra 100 | Vidalista 60 | Vidalista 20

Erectile Dysfunction tests

While diagnosing erectile dysfunction, your well-being expert will begin a comprehensive medical and psychosexual history by conducting a physical examination. For getting an accurate history and successful outcome sometimes your partner is also interviewed during physical examination. As we know that ED is directly associated with medical conditions like artery diseases, diabetes, hypertension, spinal cord compression, and pituitary tumors, therefore a doctor will conduct a laboratory test learning the cause of erectile dysfunction. The tests include

  • Complete blood count
  • Urine test
  • Fasting blood glucose test
  • Morning serum testosterone test
  • Lipid profile

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